Bodmin Road Health Centre

Useful numbers

We have collected a lot of useful local number and links. Please do let us know if any of these are no longer useful or if you know of any others.

Davyhulme Medical Centre – Appointments – 0844 499 0845 0161 748 5559

NHS 111 – 111

Central Manchester Hospitals –

Trafford General Hospital – 0161 276 1234

Manchester Royal Infirmary – 0161 276 1234

Royal Children’s Hospital – 0161 276 1234

Manchester Royal Eye Hospital – 0161 276 1234

University Dental Hospital Manchester – 0161 276 1234

St Mary’s Hospital – 0161 276 1234

Withington Hospital – 0161 445 8111

Wythenshawe Hospital – 0161 998 7070

Salford Royal Hospital – 0161 789 7373

Alexandra Hospital – 0161 428 3656

Oaklands Hospital – 0161 787 7700

Spire Hospital – 0161 226 0112

NHS Choices – 

Christie Hospital – 0161 446 3000

The practice is a member of the Trafford Clinical Commissioning Group, Crossgate House, Cross St, Sale M33 7FT

Telephone: 0161 873 9500

Details of Primary Medical Services in the area can be obtained from the CCG.

Date published: 5th May, 2020
Date last updated: 6th May, 2020